CLASSICAL ART — Studying art in Italy. Finding the town of my bisnonno (GREAT GRANDFATHER) — CAMPOBASSO
I had always wanted to study art in Italy. While working two full-time jobs and with the support of professional development funds as a college professor, I was fortunate enough to take summer workshops and a one-year sabbatical at the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy. During sabbatical, I visited the place where my great grandfather was born, orphaned and left on the steps of the same town hall and visited the archives where his birth certificate was written in tall ledger books from the late 1800s. Coincidentally, the person who worked in the Campobasso town hall was also named Tony.
Alio e pomodori (Garlic and tomatoes). Oil on canvas. Oil on canvas. 15 x 18 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Tribute to Geromé (Pelt Dealer of Cairo). 2008. Oil on canvas. 18 in x 24 in. Private collection.
Brevetti. Oil on canvas. 18 in x 15 in. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Uomo. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
La Donna Irlandese. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Ronnie's Repose. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Ronnie. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
La Donna Pedestal. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
La Donna en Ombra. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Plums. Oil on panel. 5.5 x 8 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Lemons Study. Oil on panel. 4.75 x 6.5 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Pedestal Uomo. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Mini Red Can Study. Oil on panel. 6 x 4 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Parthenon Horse. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper.
Ariadne. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. Private Collection.
La Donna. Graphite on Mi Tientes paper. 25.5 x 19 inches framed. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Blue Vase Study. Oil on panel. 10 x 8 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.
Big Red Can Study. Oil on panel. 9 x 8 inches. Available for purchase in Shop Art.